Sunday, November 07, 2004

More ties that bind

Mystictrek (who has a recomended spiritual blog) in his comment on "The real ties that bind" thread below notes that the problem is not the Red States; it’s the Gray States (Confederate States). And what are those ties that bind the Red States together? More food for thought:

Credit to Kevin Drum and Ken Layne

Pizza anyone?


At November 7, 2004 at 2:34 PM, Blogger The Minister of Things said...

The post above would have benefitted from having the actual graphic instead of just the link. The Minister of Things is working on figuring out how to add graphics to his posts. He isn't very smart so it may take a while.

At November 8, 2004 at 6:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you check out you will indeed find many spiritual posts. Actually I am not offended at all that the blog would be considered spiritual. Spiritual is very global for me. universal. inclusive. comprehensive. so, check it out and you will see that progressive politics is dear to me and I post about it frequently, often from a very spiritual point of view. I haven't posted about rock'n'roll lately but I will! Wasn't Bruce Springsteen great this fall?



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