Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Where are our leaders?

We just lost a knock down drag out brawl with the Republicans for control of this country and control of the future direction of Western civilization. And after getting spanked by a bunch of lying Republican hypocrites hell bent on undoing the enlightenment, what does the Democratic establishment do? They elect a new leader whose first news headline is "New Senate Dems leader seeks cooperation."

What the hell! If this is the major headline coming from the Democratic party on November 16, 2004, then the Minister of Things Needs a new party.


At November 17, 2004 at 10:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No! We need to move the country and the Democratic party to the Left with an education and inspiration campaign similar to what the Right has done in the past 40 years. I believe this campaign has already begun with AirAmerica, DemocracyNow!, MoveOn, FaithfulAmerica, SoJo, and many more.



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