Saturday, November 13, 2004

Whither New Brunswick?

A few MOT readers have pointed out that some of the Brunswick redevelopment projects aren’t so bad, so perhaps the Minister of Things shouldn't be so negative. I agree that some are actually quite nice. But, does that mean I shouldn't be negative?

Let's be generous and say only 1 out of 2 new revitalization efforts are horrible eyesores, should I consider that to be OK? The Minister of Things gives his most vehement NO! There is NO MORE ROOM in our city to be wasted on neighborhood destroying monstrosities. Each one is a crime perpetrated on the character and vitality of the city that we will likely have to live with for the rest of our lives.

Good stewardship of the city is not a little bonus to be rewarded with a gold star. It is something to be demanded 100% of the time. I wouldn't applaud a doctor because some of his patient interactions didn't result in malpractice, and I won't give those responsible for the redevelopment of New Brunswick a pass either just because they only mess things up most of the time.


At November 15, 2004 at 9:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Team Fluffy! says:
Seneca is not completely unfamiliar with New Brunswick, nor is he trying to tell the natives what to think of their fair city. The fact remains: New Brunswick is ugly. There are only a small number of attractive buildings or blocks. It's very sad. Mr. Omega should be proud of his long-standing residence, particularly in light of the fact that very very few people live in New Brunswick for extended periods of time. It's a transient town and it shows in its appearance. It does not look like a place where anybody cares. And because there are so few vocal long-term residents who care about the town, the city fathers feel free to give RWJ and others free passes to build hideous crap. It's a tragedy. New Brunswick should be a gem of a city and the fact of the matter is that it's barely tolerable. New Brunswick needs committed, devoted long-timers like Mr. Omega to keep up the good fight! Keep on keepin' on, Mr. Omega.

At November 17, 2004 at 2:54 AM, Blogger The Minister of Things said...

The Minister of Things says to supposedly non-neo-transient MattOmega: have fun in NYC. Thanks for the lecture.

Apologies to MOT readers for the inside joke.


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