You keep your values, we'll keep our money
The Daily Howler (via Atrios) has a fun rant on which states are the givers and receivers when it comes Federal funding. Some states pay more in taxes to the Federal Government than they receive in Federal spending, and some take more than they pay. The high irony is that there is a direct relationship between the amount of whining your state does about big government and how firmly on the Federal dole you are. The majority of the Blue States are net contributors, and the majority of the Red States are net freeloaders.
The Howler does a fine job in playing out all of the angles in this delicious irony and I recommend the article.
As an added bonus, guess which state is the chief dupe when it comes to subsidizing the Red State welfare queens:
If you guessed that it's right here in the heart of Pizzaland, you are correct! In 2003, New Jersey led all suckers receiving only 57 cents in federal spending for every dollar submitted in taxes. Doesn't it make you feel good to know that you are subsidizing the Red Staters in their pursuit of "moral values?" Its almost like brushing up against the divine. Maybe if we give them enough of our sinful tax money some of those moral values will rub off on us.
Thanks to Team Fluffy for the link. Click here for the complete list of states from the Tax Foundation.
1) New Jersey: 57 cents
2) New Hampshire: 64 cents
3) Connecticut: 65 cents
4) Minnesota: 70 cents
5) Nevada: 70 cents
6) Illinois: 73 cents
7) California: 78 cents
8) Massachusetts: 78 cents
9) New York: 80 cents
10) Colorado: 80 cents
Team Fluffy reads interesting things on the internet while she procrastinates from studying for her professional planner's test!
One of the reasosns I'm enjoying your blog is simply for info like this. Its the type of info that is facinating in its own right but also makes you feel like its pretty obvious that its totally correct and maybe I should have realized it before. With the population density in the Blue states, its obvious almost that those areas have to be the tax engine that drives the country. The Red States, full of Farm Subsides and such and decaying or since departed manufacturing and the welfare/unemployment that results... it just makes perfect sense, just needs to be said.
Thanks Matt. Tell your friends.
I find this an interesting turn of events. I believe that this line of reasoning would be met with much applause by a certain contingent in the Republican party. Indeed it seems unreasonable for these overtaxed states to be subsidizing ineffective programs in other states.
True, many blue states pay a disproportionately high share of federal taxes, while many red states receive a disproportionately high share of subsidies. The Farm bill was a particularly egregious bit of federal waste. This line of discussion is all well and good, but hasn’t it been the blue-state types who primarily favor higher taxes, especially on "the wealthy"? If people on the left side of the political spectrum feel overtaxed, why not make common cause with that contingent of the Republican party that shares this point of view?
Enjoyable comment above by Anonymous. First, I want to challenge your assertion that the Blue States are the high tax states. If you look at individual state and local tax burdens, as opposed to federal taxes where every state pays the same rate, Red States such as Utah, West Virginia, Nebraska, Ohio, Idaho, Indiana, Georgia, Kentucky, and Mississippi are all in the top 20. Massachusetts, or "Taxachusetts" as some like to call it, only ranks 36 out of 50 in terms of tax burden.
The issue here is that Red Staters are the ones who complain vehemently about big government intrusion in their lives, and how they are being dragged down by the Blue States. The irony is that Red States not only are dependent on the Blue States to finance much of the infrastructure and progress that that supports their quality of life, but they are the ones trying to use the machinery of Government to intrude on individual freedoms by legislating "moral values" such as banning abortion and establishing a government role for legally defining marriage.
The Minister of things agrees that reform oriented Liberals and Conservatives should make common cause to end Government corruption and waste. Contrary to current mythology, Republicans and Democrats are equally responsible. But the Minister of Things is happy to pay good tax money for good services. And the Minister notes that incomes, health, education, domestic abuse, and many other measures seem to change for the better when taxes go up. Why is that?
The issue here that many Red Staters complain vehemently about the big government intrusion in their lives, and how they are bing dragged down by the Blue States. The irony is that Red States not only are dependent on the Blue States to finance much of the infrastructure and progress that that supports their quality of life, but they are the ones trying to use the machinery of Government to intrude on individual freedoms by legislating "moral values" such as banning abortion and establishing a government role for legally defining marriage.
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